What is Pathways Connect?
Pathways Connect (PC) is a non-profit, educational outreach program connecting practitioners with local families and with the empowering, vitalistic resources of Pathways to Family Wellness. Through these local gatherings, families will find the information and support they need for making informed health and conscious living choices and practitioners will establish themselves as family wellness leaders in their communities. This connection is the greatest benefit of Pathways Connect!
The Complimentary Benefits of Participation in Pathways Connect are:
- Community Building Guidelines: A logistical resource for initiating your Pathways local groups.
- Free fliers, promo aids and outreach ideas to promote your Pathways Connect Gathering Group have been emailed to you in your start-up package.
- A Dialogue Questions and Resource Guide, emailed with every new issue of the magazine, to be used in your groups for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly meetings.
- A digital version of Pathways magazine will be emailed to you prior to mail date, for your sneak preview to prepare for your meetings.
- Access to the online Pathways Connect forum to discuss and share ideas with other practitioners and group facilitators: http://www.icpa4kids.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=33
- A Pathways Connect logo on your existing ICPA/HPA directory listing so parents looking for Pathways Connect Gathering Groups can find your location.
- Use of the Pathways Connect logo for your website and Face Book pages.
- Your practice listing on the Pathways site as a “Gathering Group” location.
- Printed practice label on each magazine when 50 or more copies are ordered.
PC Gathering Groups empower parents to take responsibility for their life and well-being, as well as providing the space to make informed, conscious choices relating to family wellness.