When we started our “moms” groups in the 90’s, the main goal was to offer a safe place for moms to meet others, discuss experiences and share their stories. We used articles and resources that we gleaned from magazines, newsletters, books and videos. The resources provided the structure to begin the discussion, but the feel of the group was open and trustful story-telling.
The most successful Pathways Gathering Groups are those which encourage sharing personal experiences. Remember, the essential goal is to build heartfelt communities. The ideal way to initiate each meeting is by first having each participant introduce themselves. Dr. Laura Brayton from a very successful group in NJ says along with their personal introduction, each mom will present their greatest challenge and greatest success since their last meeting. This warm, type of sharing allows each person to feel welcomed, comfortable and safe.
Then the leader of the group, who has read the Pathways article in advance, will open discussion about the subject of the article. Since many attendees may not have had the opportunity to have read the article prior to the meeting, the purpose of the group gathering is to allow for discussion about the topics with experiential input, not meant to be an instructional class about the article content. Each participant will get to take a Pathways home to read the articles themselves, this precious time together is an open organic opportunity to share lifestyles, choices and above all establishing a trusting community.
Facilitating an openly structured group like this is easy and fun with minimal preparation time.
Here are Dr. Laura’s suggestions:
Read through the magazine before the meetings. Have a loose plan for your meeting, but be flexible to “go with the flow.”
Start with a synopsis of the mission of your group and use a sharing circle.
Give people a chance to discuss and open up on personal parenting issues. Start with sharing questions, like “what was your biggest parenting challenge or success this week/month?” Ask people to share a personal story that relates to the topic/article at hand.
Start your article discussion by telling your group what charged you/excited you about this issue and ask others who have read this issue to share this as well. For those who have not yet had the opportunity to read the particular issue, let them share their personal experiences relating to the article.
If group is large, split up into smaller groups. You might have 2-3 questions/topics/scenarios, and let people divide into the topic they want to discuss for that day. Reconvene as a large group at the end.
If conversation isn’t flowing on the topic you choose, ask people to offer other topics of interest.
Limit the content you want to discuss for each meeting – max 1-2 articles.
Let people discuss their needs and desires – emphasize communication and FUN.
Either provide coffee and tea, and maybe some snacks, or encourage people to bring some to share.
Allow for 20-30 minutes of “social time” before or after
Recap your recent meeting on social media, include a thank you to people who came and shared. Invite others to do so at the next meeting – include location, date and time.
Consider sharing facilitating responsibilities with others in the group, either by task or on a rotating schedule. People tend to feel more like a community when they have some (even seemingly small) responsibility to each other.
Additional Meeting variations:
Have a Movie Night using films related to the articles, or just related to holistic health and family wellness.
Invite guest speakers related to current or past Pathways articles – utilize patients with specialized knowledge.
If your group has parents with small children, consider an occasional meeting at a playground, or more “field trip”
oriented locations (the zoo, a bounce-house, a park, etc.).