Survey Results
In December 2013, we conducted a survey with Pathways Connect facilitators. Thank you so much to those who participated. I wanted to share the results of that survey with you. Below you will find
How often should we meet? Most you said monthly works the best and it seems that evening meetings, to accommodate working parents, was most popular. Babies seemed welcome, but older kids posed distractions. Many of you arrange for someone to play with/watch older children to make the meetings more accessible to new parents.
How many people should I expect? Your average group size is about 8, although some groups are as big as 20-25 (one group has 40!)
Where should we meet? Most of you are using your office waiting area, if your office is large enough. If not, others meet at local book stores or restaurant s. Dr. Laura Brayton rents a lounge in an office building (2 hours) for $50/month – this includes parking and a kitchenette. She rents seminar rooms for larger events and charges for tickets to cover the cost of the room rental
Do you use the Resources Guide? Most of you said yes, focusing mostly on the talking points to remind you of the main points of the article.
What resources do you find most useful? The majority of you found ideas from the content most useful (talking points, resources), and also visual market tools (fliers, cover images, logos, etc), and breaking down the resources into individual topic guides.
What resources did you find least useful? Most of you responded that the questions were too leading and didn’t seem to foster openness for sharing. Others of you who run your groups more fluidly find that reading the magazine is enough preparation for leading your wisdom circle/rap group. (This seems to be the favorite way to run a group, whether you use the Resource Guide or not).
We used this information to reformat the Resources Guide. We stream-lined it by breaking down the talking points and resources into individual documents, so you could print off only the talking points and resources you needed at any given time. We also removed the discussion questions. We replaced those discussion questions with weekly Facebook posts that offer ideas or questions to consider. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, please “like” our page:
Please feel free to share your own ideas or discussion questions there as well. We compiled all of your responses to create a link in the Pathways Connect website,, that shares the many GREAT ideas you are using to facilitate successful Pathways Connect Gathering Groups.