Welcome to the Winter 2020 issue!
A mother’s inner knowing merges her with the mysterious and powerful in Nature. Nature awakens to our inner voice. This issue is a collection of the voices that have encouraged this awakening in humanity. This issue is called, “Envisioning Birth.” To envision something is to awaken its potential in reality. All great movers and shakers have noted the same indwelling power to shape reality by way of the human imagination. When we envision birth we begin to get in touch with our exciting human potential.
The section Taking the Step represents practical considerations to step onto the individual and unique path ahead of you in birth and parenting. We learn about Mother Blessing ceremony ideas and practices that can sublime the early mother experience. We explore the topic of chiropractic for creating an internal oasis of safety and comfort. How to improve birth, and what optimal fetal positioning means.
Next, in Staying the Course, we read the story of one mother’s inner knowing, and how it reveals a miraculous reality underlying normal, everyday life. Also, we touch on a topic that inspires many, the legend of the white lions of Timbavaati.
In Living the Journey we have several articles on the topic of birth—how birth experience shape our future and how to make the most of them, and how newborn chiropractic care can make life changing differences in our expression of health and well-being.
To summarize this issue in a single sentence, we say: Birth is full of wonder, the more we can tap into it’s calling with love and admiration. This issue is our yearly Birth issue. Every birth is unique. And none can be predicted. Confidence comes when we align ourselves to our deeper knowing, trust, and ability. Chiropractic can help early families thrive. And the more we enjoy the process of learning the mystery and power surrounding birth, the more it will respond in kind.
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