Dear Pathways Connect Organizers and Members,
Welcome to the Spring 2017 issue, A Family's Joy!
This issue is a harmonious integration of the topic of birth.
With inspiring birth stories, fresh perspectives, and multifaceted tools provided by chiropractors, midwives, birth educators, and others, this issue serves as a bridge over the mainstream attitudes which have muddied the waters of birth.
Birth is nothing less than a miracle of the body, but some have turned it into a pathology of disease. We hope to reverse this trend which requires little more than a simple shift in perception.
We remind you to check out our Chiropractic Connection at the end of each article summary that observes the power of chiropractic as it relates to each article.
Remember to keep up to date by visiting our Pathways Connect Facebook page which is designated for you to talk to fellow group leaders:
Thank you for your interest in sharing Pathways with your friends, family, and clients who will benefit from the new perspectives!
Until next time,
Pathways Team
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