Hello Pathways Connect Group Participants,
We are excited about the topics for your upcoming Connect Gatherings and appreciate all the feedback we’ve been receiving to help us prepare talking points and group topics to meet your needs. This is an ideal issue and time of year to grow your group as many parents are looking forward to the warmer weather and meeting others.
In preparation, here are some current and upcoming events to make your groups more successful:
We’ve recently started a closed Facebook group for Pathways Connect Group Leaders where we are offering even more support to assist you in growing your groups and creating an impact in your community. Please join us there, it is a designated place for group leaders to share and learn. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1656053058002280/
We have an exciting new training sequence that will be taking place in this Facebook group to help you reap all the benefits a referral based practice can receive from a well-organized and effective Pathways Connect gathering. The training will be a step by step coaching that I will be offering to a “Kiro-Mom” as she learns the ropes to running her first Pathways Connect Gathering.
Two years ago, I started running groups in my chiropractor’s office as his “Kiro Mom.” (I understand that not all Leaders have chiropractic offices, but this concept can be used in any practice). My ability to put the extra time and attention into growing, maintaining and leading these groups, not only served as a wonderful resource in our community they greatly impacted the growth of his family practice. Since then I have coached and trained many “Kiro Momz” on how to create, organize and run groups that provide additional support within the office and improve patient retention.
I believe that every family practitioner’s office should have such an advocate/ assistant. Just as you have someone to assist with the business and front desk, having a person who assists with education and advocacy is just as important. Personally, I believe this should be a paid position, as I know it’s of incredible value to any practice, but I have seen this exchange of services done many different ways in many different practices.
I would like to provide you with some criteria to help you spot a perspective Mom-Advocate in your office who can take your Pathways Connect Gatherings to a whole new level.
This person is someone who:
Has seen their child’s own health improve through care and understands the importance of care for ALL children. Or this can be someone who was under care throughout pregnancy and birth, gets the bigger picture and has her family under care because of it.
Is involved in the community – perhaps in other holistic groups, moms’ gatherings, homeschool meetings, or just that person who is friendly and openly talks with other moms at school pick-ups and events.
Is someone with organizational skills – she keeps her family’s appointments, she manages her family’s schedule well, she is involved in other groups that require organization.
Is proficient on social media – in addition to knowing how to run the page, she has an active page and shares interesting posts.
Someone who is passionate about improving the wellbeing of those around them. This ties back in with the first bullet… her experience has given her the drive to share.
Let’s spend the next few weeks discussing your selection process on our new FaceBook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1656053058002280/
If you already have such a person, please invite them to the page as well! This is the easiest and most productive way for us to communicate and share our growth.
We thank you for your continued service in creating a safe space for the parents in your community to embrace the shifting paradigm and create a healthier tomorrow.
Questions or comments about Topics, Talking Points, or Group Questions provided can be sent to janaiah@pathwaystofamilywellness.com
Live Alive,
Print Your Issue #49 Talking Points & Resources
Pathways Connect Resource Guide Topic #1
Pathways Connect Resource Guide Topic #2
Pathways Connect Resource Guide Topic #3
You can find all the references and resources from this issue, Here.