PathwaysWelcome to the Spring 2019 issue!

Welcome Mama: You’ve got this!

Join and journey with us through this new issue of Pathways to learn more about the community of practitioners, parents, and friends who are out there supporting your ability to step into greater levels of health and who honor the wisdom of motherhood.

Our first section, Taking the Step, has nine new articles for you to delve into to gain integral perspectives about the birth process, bonding with your new infant, how to support early family development, and the value of chiropractic care to overcome challenges all along the way. Our feature article on page 8 is about our current cultural story of separation, and the gifts we each have that can lift us into a new and different story of generosity, a story that mothers of all generations have been keen to appreciate and nurture.

The next section, Staying the Course, has 3 key articles that will provide huge benefits in both preparing for birth, and assuring that your birth remains within your own domain of influence and choices. Particularly insightful is Gloria Lemay’s Secret Sensation Time on page 46, and the summary on page 6 of this document.

Living the Journey, the final of the three sections, has 7 articles that can help relieve the living conditions that can throttle early parenting and family bonding. Here we learn to take on a new model that’s not about conquering ourselves or our environment, but delicately balancing ourselves moment-to-moment, day-to-day, and allowing the community to spawn from which new freedoms are permitted and a new way of life unfolds.

While nobody can make another person take the step in life, stay the course, or live to their highest potential, this magazine is simply dedicated to the fact that such a journey exists, and we hope to offer some resources and the community that helps to light the way.

Once again, make sure to look at our double-page spreads and infographics found on the following pages to clarify the importance of chiropractic care for pregnancy, childhood, and greater community well-being: pg. 12, 16, 38, and 54. These are specifically designed to easily share the chiropractic philosophy and purpose to friends, co-workers, and others who may be interested in similar life-goals and aspirations.

In addition, check out the Chiropractic Connections after each summary of the guide to see the unique importance of chiropractic care as it pertains to these vital topics.

We wish you the greatest success, knowing full well that you are at the forefront of the future of family well-being,

Pathways Team

Print Your Issue #61 Talking Points & Resources

Pathways Connect Resource Guide Topics