Welcome to the Winter 2017 issue!Pathways

Welcome to our new edition of Pathways Magazine. This issue is focused on our interpersonal and collective resonance. It is when we choose to resonate together that we discover our greatest gifts. Within this issue we explore the grandmother's wisdom bestowed on children through Actively Listening. We share the present-day message of our worldwide, indigenous elders. We read about the proven effects of group intention experiments and how to use group intention for our individual and social well-being. Other topics include:

Chiropractic care in the birth setting

Mainstream's blind eye to proven methods for lowering the cesarean rate

Knowing your legal rights for an empowered hospital birth,

5 areas where parents can reclaim their power,

8 Alternatives to college,

And much more...

Learn how to put the future of your family's life into your own hands with Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine!
Remember to check out our Chiropractic Connection to see the unique importance of chiropractic care.

Keep up to date by visiting our Pathways Connect Facebook page:


We admire your courage to share Pathways with your friends, family, and clients and we thank you for your excitement to create an empowered community!

Until Next Time,

Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine

Print Your Issue #56 Talking Points & Resources

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Tips From a Successful Pathways Connect Group

How to Grow Your Pathways Connect Community